
Showing posts from April, 2023

Buy Organic Food for Less - Join our Online Bulk Food Order

  Bulk Food Orders - includes Organic, from Honest to Goodness   Want to buy dry goods and pantry staples like flour, rice, dried fruit, and cooking oil at a cheaper price?    Although still not cheap, the cheaper way to buy organic is to bulk buy.   If you don't need 5kg of flour at a time you can share, as part of an Honest to Goodness group!  There are already a couple of local groups who reap the benefits of lower cost organic pantry foods with Honest to Goodness.    Thanks to the guys who organise those, but these groups are both getting pretty big, and I’ve had a few people ask if I can do one too.    So now is the time to express a concrete interest in me running an account with Honest to Goodness (H2G).   Being part of a group means you can get access to lower prices for most products when the group as a whole meets minimum quantities.    Plus you can choose to 'split' a large item to make a b...

New Yoga Booking System & Cancelled Classes

  Cancelled Classes Everyone needs a recharge occasionally, and now that the house sitters are organised I will be practicing the Maitri aspect of yoga and taking a family holiday.    There will be no classes during the first week of May.  So Tuesday 2nd and Thursday 2nd May classes are cancelled .  I will be back, and ready to roll for the next Catch-up on Sunday 7th May. Class Booking System We have a simple new booking system for yoga classes.    Each week you just text YOGA , and the classes you’re booking.    E.g. “YOGA    Tues & Thurs”.    Bookings can be made in advance or on the day.    This way I know who is due, and can let you know in the unlikely event that class needs to be cancelled.  

Fun Times at the Moorland Easter Party

    It wasn’t just the kids who enjoyed the Easter fun at the last catch-up.    The nibbles table was most popular, and I even caught Lisa on camera during her artsy moment, colouring in Garrett’s bunny ears in a fancy ladybird design.      The kids loved the bunny ears and the egg and spoon race the most. Cindy’s bunny ear craft table was a favoured space, where the kids got a custom made headband before colouring in their bunny ears.    All ears made it onto the respective heads, with some having to be prised off at bedtime!  Sammy’s long legs gave him the lead in the egg and spoon race, which he was so pleased, and surprised, to win. Nanny Naomi had an equally big grin when she got to present the winner with first choice of the chocolate eggs.  A number of us got in last-minute guesses for the giant jar of eggs competition.    I had a good lesson about procrastination, for one of the numbers I wanted to pick was already...

Chokko Chutney: Sugar-free

When I first had an abundance of chokkoes, in 2022, I searched for hours for a sugar-free chokko chutney recipe.  As I could not find one I made one up and was delighted with the outcome.  This is now one of my favourite condiments, and a great way to get extra onions into my boys.  I have already made about 12 litres this year and plan to make more, so that it lasts until next chokko harvest!  Ingredients: 2kg chokkos, in small cubes, with tough, fibrous parts removed 1kg onions, finely chopped  1/2 cup fine pink Himalayan salt  1 1/2 cups Buckwheat flour 1 litre white vinegar 2.5 cups dates, cut in half 4 teaspoons curry powder 4 teaspoons turmeric 4 teaspoons mustard seeds 1 teaspoon ground black pepper  Method: Place all ingredients in a large, high-sided pot.  I use an 8 litre stockpot. Mix well.   Cook over high flame, constantly stirring, for 5 minutes. Do not let it boil.   Turn down heat and let simmer...